[TLDR] Using Task Local Value in Swift
Written on May 18, 2024
This is the TLDR version of the article. View the full version here
Declare a mutable static property on a type. Annotate the property with the
property wrapperInside of a task, set the property by accessing its
and calling thewithValue
method. All code and subtasks created within the closure will have the value of the static property set to whatever was passed as the first argument of thewithValue
extension Logger {
@TaskLocal static var traceId: String?
let trace1 = "Trace1"
let trace2 = "Trace2"
// Trace1
// Trace2
print("Outside of tasks: \(Logger.traceId)")
// nil
Task {
await Logger.$traceId.withValue(trace1) {
print("\(Logger.traceId ?? ""): Doing some work for user with ID")
// Trace1: Doing some work for user with ID
try? await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
print("\(Logger.traceId ?? ""): Finished some work for user with ID")
// Trace1: Finished some work for user with ID
Task {
await Logger.$traceId.withValue(trace2) {
print("\(Logger.traceId ?? ""): Doing some work for user with ID")
// Trace2: Doing some work for user with ID
try? await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(2))
print("\(Logger.traceId ?? ""): Finished some work for user with ID")
// Trace2: Finished some work for user with ID