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[TLDR] Using Task Local Value in Swift

Written on May 18, 2024

This is the TLDR version of the article. View the full version here

extension Logger {
    @TaskLocal static var traceId: String?

let trace1 = "Trace1"
let trace2 = "Trace2"

// Trace1
// Trace2
print("Outside of tasks: \(Logger.traceId)")
// nil

Task {
    await Logger.$traceId.withValue(trace1) {
        print("\(Logger.traceId ?? ""): Doing some work for user with ID")
        // Trace1: Doing some work for user with ID
        try? await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(1))
        print("\(Logger.traceId ?? ""): Finished some work for user with ID")
        // Trace1: Finished some work for user with ID

Task {
    await Logger.$traceId.withValue(trace2) {
        print("\(Logger.traceId ?? ""): Doing some work for user with ID")
        // Trace2: Doing some work for user with ID
        try? await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(2))
        print("\(Logger.traceId ?? ""): Finished some work for user with ID")
        // Trace2: Finished some work for user with ID